
Monday 10 August 2009

Water View


I resently stopped by here to have a walk about and take a shot of the bridge and the boundary stone.


Over the bridge theres a nice view up stream of a weir, I had taken the shot before I noticed that there was a Grey Heron.. mid-stream sat as still as can be hunting it's dinner.


When I was growing up it was a rare sight to one of these...

Now it's as easy as popping my head over a wall and theres one there waiting.


Gerald (SK14) said...

I was there a couple of weeks ago - didn't see a heron - a lot geese though - which you'll see on my Ackworthborn blog on Wednesday and Friday!

imac said...

Nice one Tom.

Both your blogs are going strength to strength.

Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

Beautiful shots Tom. We have seen several Herons on our visits. I don't recall seeing them when I growing up either.

Ex Hydeonian said...

Love your work Tom. Loved the Hyde Park photos, how good do those flowers look! Had many a pleasant afternoon in Hyde Park, used to meet my first girlfriend there near the paddling pool. Best wishes to you Tom.

alicesg said...

Oh the view is beautiful. The river looked so clean and peaceful, no wonder the birds love it there.

Carolyn said...

Beautiful shots Tom and a great capture of the Heron. The country looks so lush.
Have a great week and smiles

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

We have Great Blue Herons here,
which seem to be larger than the one you show. We also have lots of Sandhill Cranes which are very noisy, large and dramatic.