Header Challenge
"What Is That Bug?"
Palomena prasina
This flat, shield-shaped bug is common throughout England and Wales, but less so in Scotland.
It is bright green and stippled with tiny black dots in spring and summer, but changes to greeny-bronze in autumn. Its wing tips are dark brown.
It is bright green and stippled with tiny black dots in spring and summer, but changes to greeny-bronze in autumn. Its wing tips are dark brown.
Adult shield bugs hibernate in grass tussocks or leaf litter and emerge in May.
Females lay clusters of small, barrel-shaped eggs on the undersides of leaves. These hatch into wingless nymphs, which crawl between plants to feed, and become the new generation of adults in September. These bugs can often be seen basking in the sun during late summer before they hibernate. Both adults and nymphs suck plant sap.
It is sometimes called a green stink bug as it produces a pungent odour from special glands if handled or disturbed.
Females lay clusters of small, barrel-shaped eggs on the undersides of leaves. These hatch into wingless nymphs, which crawl between plants to feed, and become the new generation of adults in September. These bugs can often be seen basking in the sun during late summer before they hibernate. Both adults and nymphs suck plant sap.
It is sometimes called a green stink bug as it produces a pungent odour from special glands if handled or disturbed.

As if by magic this bug stopped by to say hello and ended up the subject of the theme... isn't it a ugly brute.... ha!
Join the Head Bangers again as we go 'Head 2 Head' in this weeks Header Challenge. The theme this week was picked by Fishing Guy and is "What Is That Bug"
Fishing Guy
This will be my last Header Challenge as Wiggers World is now going on hold for a while... I would like to thank you all for stopping by.. not just for the fun of the Header Challenge but to all who visit blogs... I don't think any of us blog for the number of visitors we get.... it only takes one comment now and then to give encouragement to another blogger, it lets one know your pictures and writing are appreciated.. Keep visiting others, drop a comment there now and then and enjoy yourselves..
Once again thank you all.
Tom Wigley
Cute header...I do hope your break will not be too long. I so enjoy your photos and humor!!! Hugs and kisses and best of wishes!!!!
Take care of yourself and your family! God bless
take care lad
Tom: Tis a little beaut for certain.
I thought it was a shield bug--we have similar insects here. They are longer, and brown, but are also known as stink bugs!
I haven't been by in a while, but I enjoy your posts when I have time to read them. Enjoy your holiday!
Made me think of Green Shield Stamps with that bug. Hope you enjoy your break and don't forget to pop by now and again.
Looks like it's up to Imac and I to keep the that shield this side of the Atlantic.
Cute little header:) Thank you Tom for all the wonderful photos and information you have shared with us. Take good care, enjoy your well deserved break and hopefully you will be back at some stage posting again on Wiggers World:) See you over at Hyde Cheshire. I'm loving that site already. Linda
Will miss reading your blog tom, enjoy the break.
Just right for this Header mate, a bug on yer bald Header.haha.
A very neat closeup :)
Hope you and Jane are doing well, Tom. I am sorry to see you shutting down for awhile, but I do understand the feeling.
very beautiful photo; bravo
Nice photo
percevejo...tem muito no Brasil
its so small beautiful insect.........
Today I went online and found your blog really amazing, I think you have an amazing creativity I am happy to learn from you even can't be met in the real world.
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