
Sunday 18 October 2009

Tree Burl

Early Bank Woods
Burls are weird lumps, bumps, and bulges that grow on tree trunks, I have no idea what causes them maybe an insect of a injury to the tree?

Burls continue to grow as the tree grows, and can be massive like this one. I have seen them on some very big old trees so no really harms seems to be done.


The unusual swirling grain forms unique patterns in these burls which makes them prized by woodworkers. Burls can be carved into bowls or other objects. I should think this fine one most be worth a penny or two.


maryt/theteach said...

I've never seen such big burls, Tom! Great shots! I'm glad to visit Wiggers World! :)

Dimple said...

Interesting. There is quite an industry centered around carving burls in the northern California coastal region where the giant sequoias are.
I don't know what causes them, either.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I see you are still venturing into the "wild woods" of England. Wikipedia has an entry on burls that is informative.

While I have neer been able to get pea-mealed bacon (It's a Canadian delicacy) in the US there is a company there that sells it mailorder.

Willard said...

Interesting post, Tom. I don't know what causes them either, although I suspect that injury is the cause in at least some cases.

James said...

Those are bigger than Mr Ives himself. :) I like these pictures.

Rose said...

I have no idea what causes them, and have never seen any this big that I remember. I will have to pay more attention and see if I can spot any.

Arija said...

They certainly are fine excrescences. The first tree looks like a ready made club for a troll.

Rune Eide said...

I have never thought about these burls like this before, but you are of course right. It makes for very nice bowls and other works in wood. In this case it also made for some very nice autumn photos!

PS Tom - Thank you for the compliment! It is very much appreciated.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tom: That is such a neat capture of a wonderful burl. I love to see their grain.

EG CameraGirl said...

Enormous burls! I'm sure there are a few bowl turners out there who'd LOVE to have them!

Carletta said...

Don't know about the burls but I like that leaf covered path!