
Monday, 21 September 2009

Walk Around Matley 10

Matley's Hedgerows
Most of the hedgerows around Matley seem to be made up of Holly, Hawthorn, Oak, and Elder. All these trees work well as a way of keeping stock in the fields.. and each tree would also have been useful to the farmer...



This was a new footpath for me, and I was pleased with this avenue of tree.... it was dark and muddy but a very interesting pathway. At one time a track of some sort had been here... I had past by a small quarry dug out of the hillside and now overgrown. As there's a number of cottages at the end of this track in seem a far guess the stone for the cottages came from there.
A few more picture yet to show you from around here, so join me again tomorrow and I'll show you an interesting and smelly find.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tom: There sure is a lot of grenery in these photos.
Love your header with the Land Rover going through the water.

James said...

Smelly? Sounds interesting. The path is great. I saw some holly yesterday and I didn't know what it was till now.

I look forward to the smelly find. :)

L. Neusiedler said...

a great place to go for a walk. I like the green, especially that I a little bit upset that autumn comes...