
Thursday, 20 August 2009

Matley Lane Views

The light was terrible for taking pictures but the walk still held my interest. I've walked these fields and roads many many times.. I've seen houses built on the farmland, now meadows are being churned up for an extension to the golf course, and one farm as new paddocks and out buildings for the stabling of horses.


Manchester Lass, Now and Then said...

Could that be the corner of the Rising Moon at the end of the path? Some changes are not always for the better are they Tom! By the way did you receive my e-mail on Mottram Old Hall? I was having problems sending it. Hope you and Jane have a lovely weekend. We are off to Mount Tamborine which is in the Gold Coast Hinterlands National Park. Will take photo's for when I start my own blog!!!!

Tom said...

Hi Linda
Correct about the Rising Moon... I have your email and will send you few pictures, and a link to a couple of books you might find of interest. The books are in PDF format... if you have not got a program to open them Adobe as a fre download.
I will sort these out when I get the time this week, it's school break here so the house is full during the day... in fact we have 3 stopping over tonight.
Enjoy the trip to Mount Tamborine and hurry up getting your blog up and running.

PERBS said...

Life keeps changing before our eyes. Sometimes for good and sometimes not. Enjoyed the tour tho.

Ingrid said...

Menacing skies in a lovely landscape ! I just got home from Eastbourne where I also saw the airshow, now I am homesick !

Gerald (SK14) said...

Great pics of the area - you'll be taking the grandkids with you before long!

EG CameraGirl said...

It's a good thing we have memories and pictures of the way it was before development tool/takes over.

imac said...

A great place for a country walk Tom.

Lizzy said...

My dad always calls it 'The Skennin Moon' - He says its always been known as that!!!!