Bygone Times

I was sent this picture along with a few others, as soon as I saw this I knew which day to post it... Can you imagine all the backsides that must have sat on this bench, most would have been passengers waiting for their train to come, or perhaps waiting for their loved ones to come home.
Looks like it got lots of use! I like the slim bench but mostly, I like the sides with the initials included. Thanks for letting me know you ahd a bench this week.
It does look like a well-used bench, Tom - the best kind. ;-)
My bench shot is here:
Such old and well-used benches are "living history". What it it must have witnessed up through the ages is the stuff films are made of. We had a song in Norway some time in the 50s about what a green-painted bench in a garden had seen - I think yours must have witnessed more.
PS Thank you for the very pleasant comments! Now they have made MY day!
PPS Yes, it is a very nice little place and both a heaven and a haven on earth for us.
Yes, if that bench could talk, I bet it could tell you a lot of stories. Happy week-end.
One can only wonder about its 'inhabitants.' I really like the initials on the frame as well as all the clay pots.
Have a lovely weekend!
Even just the name Great Western Railway evokes thoughts of adventure and great distances through wilderness. But your bench adds a personal dimension.
Wow. Impressive bench it is too.
Tom, I've been meaning to thank you for all your interest and help with identifying my bagworm or whatever the creature was last week.
Yes, it was through SkyWatch I "met" you. Lucky for me. Been watching the sky every since. :)
Ah The Great Western Railway Bench.
Nice post Tom.
Great one Tom - I've linked to it from my bench post this week.
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