Daisy Daisy, give me your answer do
I'm half crazy, crazy in love with you

The daisy flower is considered a friendly one. It has white petals with yellow centers. Sometimes, the flowers are a rose or pink color. The daisy symbolizes purity and innocence, and it can also stand for new beginnings. The meaning of the flower is "loyal love."

Despite their appearance, daisies are not one flower. They have two types of flowers--petal-like white ray florets and disc florets. The disc florets are located at the flower's center and the ray florets are on the outside, coming from the disc. Together, they look like one flower.

Daisy chains should always have their ends joined when finished as they represent the sun, the earth, and the circle of life. It was once believed that dressing a child in a daisy chain would protect them from being stolen by the fairies, and in the Middle Ages the daisy was used to treat battle wounds; bandages containing crushed daisies were thought to give relief from pain and aid healing. The young leaves, flowerbuds and petals can be added to salads.
FOR the love of you.....
No I'm not in love with you....
Just correcting you on your words to the song.lol
By the way - I love your Daisy Janes.
time is ticking....
What superb close up photos Tom. Such gorgeous sweet little flowers. I loved making daisy chains in my younger days. I cannot recall seeing these tiny daisies in our lawns here on the Coast. We do have the much larger ones. Will have to keep my eyes open:)
My very favourite flower and you have captured them so beautifully and now I know why they are my favourite flower. Thank you Tom and I love your header photo.
...on a bicycle built for two! Aren't you full of information, beautiful flower.
Thanks for the comments all.. ;o)
Darla I'm not really full of information..... ha! but I know a site that is.....
Tom: My wifes favorite, lucky me.
I planted some daisy seed one year and ever since we got them everywhere. So each year I end up pulling a lot of them, roots and all, and discarding them. Not much in the way of insects gets any of their food from the daisy we have. They are lovely flowers in their place but mine spread. LOL
The blackberries are coming on and the damn bushes are going wild. I got bushes coming on everywhere. Now I guess I will have to pull them up by their roots. I can't pull anything these days, so either Patty or one of th ekids will have to do it for me.
I find it fascinating how a simple daisy holds so much symbolism.
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