I would love to take the credit for this set of pictures but alas I can't as these were taken by my mate Peter Parrott, or 'Big Pete' as he's known. People who have known Peter for years do not realise what a good photographer he is... he always draws and paints to a high standard as well. I do not see as much of Peter as I used to, but my son sees him now and then and says's that he seems to be doing well...Peter worries me as at times he will set up a tent and live rough for a while... it could be winter or summer it dose not matter, if Pete feels pressure he retreats to the woods.
Most can be enlarged by clicking
Was especially glad to hear that Pete is still OK and taking pictures. These spider webs are very nice to see. If you speak to him tell him that we said, "Hello." And also we wanted to know if his dog is OK as well.
Amazing photo's. I loved reading Pete's blog many moons ago. He is such a talented and gifted person and perhaps this is why he retreats when he feels pressure. G'Day Pete and live life to the fullest:)
PS I have finally started my own little blog but I am very slack with my postings:( More involved than one thinks!
Great job Pete, the webs looks knitted!
Great work Pete.
Thanks Tom for this insight to more of Pete's work.
A week in wales and now showing on my blog.
Tom, thank you for sharing your friend's beautiful photos, they are stunning. I do much the same thing when life starts to stress me out...my poor daughter thought she was going to spend her teen years in a tent!
Blessings and smiles
Love your pearly wonders Tom.
These are beautiful, they look more beaded than wet.
Big Pete knows what to do with a camera! Those webs are fabulous!
Tom: Well Pete is back with one great set of photos, how is his dog?
These are amazing! Thank you for posting Pete's pics! Tell him we are most impressed!
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