Aegithalos caudatus
The Long Tailed Tit is easily recognisable with its distinctive colouring, and a tail that is bigger than its body. Like most of our Tits, they rove our woodland and hedgerows. This last few years I have been seeing more of these each year.
I have 2 Silver Birtch trees at the bottom of my back garden... these little fellow arrive most days chattering away in groups of upto 30 birds.
Both males and females are black, white and pale pink, with distinctive white crowns. These are one of my favorite birds to see in our garden.
Tom: Those tits are real beauties, am I allowed to say that. You'll have to check with Jane.
Oh blow - F/G got there before me,haha
No worries there are plenty to go round, we have 2 blue tits here,
These are beautiful, Tom. And they have the right name for such a long tail.
Tom: Oh that Mac, we have a city in Pennsylvania named Blue Ball but no Blue Tits.
Hi... Glad to see Fishing Guy and Imac are keeping a breast of things here.. ;o)
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