
Friday, 12 March 2010

It Rained Today

I saw Big Peter yesterday, he called by with a homemade made a 'photo-card' for my son. I told him I had shown the wet spider web pictures and that he was asked about.. he was very pleased to hear it. Pete had his trusty dog Defor ( as in D for Dog ) with him and he looked fit as a fiddle. Peter is still taking pictures and showed me a beautiful 'Little Owl' in a tree.... Red Grouse, and White Hares. He is still doing his art work as as a place to live for a while. All in all he seemed well and in good health...


imac said...

Great shot.
Glad to hear Big Pete is doing ok too.

Darla said...

Good news indeed...what a great photo.

EG CameraGirl said...

Very nice shots of the water droplets, Tom. I'm glad to hear Pete is doing well. I remember Defor!