31st Jan 2010
The Wolf Moon as it is known appeared big and bright Sunday night. The first moon of the year alway appears wider and fuller than any other moon of the year. The name Wolf moon came from the way hungry wolf packs howled at the moon near to Native American villages hundreds of years ago. It is also referred to as the old moon or moon after Yule.
I hope Jane has the chains well and truly fastened up Wolfy Tom.
Great Shot Tom, nearly as good as mine lol.
What a nice clear shot. I never seem to be able to capture the moon very well.
My husband and I thank you for explaining this...ignore Stewart!! lol
Tis a great shot of the moon!
I saw the Wolf Moon when it was rising up here in our East. It was huge and more yellow. I didn't get to see it that night nor in the morning as we had clouds.
I forgot to say, Tom, that your moon shot is one of the better ones I have seen of this particular moon.
Tom: Tis a beauty for sure. I saw it last night just as it rose and it was a big fluff ball.
I am not familiar with the term "
Wolf Moon". I have not heard our local wolf pack lately, even with this lovely moon. Our skies have been very clear,( as a result we are having some cold weather -30 C). With a full moon on a clear night with the white snow it is quite easy to get around at night without a flash light.
I hope moon beams and moon dust shone down on you and Jane.
Nice shot of the moon. I think I could hear you howling Sunday night. It WAS you, wasn't it?
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