
Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Header Challenge 20 ( See The Birdy )


I was more than pleased to see this Chaffinch while out walking.

I could only just see this Woodpecker at the feeders

This Blackbird did not see me as a threat and came up close

I'm always happy to see or hear a Thrush

I'm lucky as I see a Robin most days in the garden

Manchester in the distance

The last two are of our local Kestral, this is the smaller male. When he saw the land rover he knew he was in with a chance of a meal... he would follow me along, aways on my right and slightly above. The edgerows that grew by the side sloped away from the road into a field.... I think as I drove by the land rover would disturb small mammals and birds... the Kestral would hover then drop... pick up it's meal and fly off. I lost count on how many times this bird did this but was as glad to see it as it was to see me.

Join the Head Bangers as we go 'Head 2 Head' in this week Header Challenge. The theme this week was picked by Fishing Guy.... and is 'See The Birdy'

Feel free to say what you think on our headers
Who would get 'Your' vote?


imac said...

Wiggers wagtail, nice set of birdies Tom, love the header too.

Martha said...

Excellent action header and wonderful captures of beautiful "birdies" within the entry!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tom: What a nice series of bird photos and a cool hawk on wing. This is one tough week.

Unknown said...

You're lucky to see so many birds in one place. Must be the countryside you live in.

Darla said...

Stunning photos...

Anonymous said...

Those birds are pretty smart to follow along like that waiting for you to scare up a meal. Reminds me of our cowbirds and how they wait for the grazing cow to scare up some insects.

Your bird photos are very nice Tom.

Bill S. said...

I love your kestrel pictures. Are are great. Your birds are very interesting.

Kerri Farley said...

Super shots Tom!!

James said...

They arec all very nice but the blackbird is my fav.

Rose said...

Great pictures, Tom. So clear and sharp.

louisebah said...

the picture of the robin reminds me of the cheeky robin in The Secret Garden!! wonderful bird pictures!!