
Thursday, 28 January 2010

Last of the Fungi

Puffball Mushroom


Darla said...

Now that's different looking.

imac said...

Who you calling a Puff Ball?.lol.

Ingrid said...

All these funghis you published lately make me think of my childhood when I went into the woods with my grandpa to collect mushrooms. He knew every funghus by name !

Patty said...

I'm sure this isn't the kind you would eat? Happy week-end.

Rose said...

Our puffballs don't have the texture on the outside that yours does!

New pics of Lorelei are up at my blog.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tom: They are so fun to give them a kick and watch the puff of spores go into the air. Puffball kicking could become an Olympic event. Why did you call Mac a puffball?