
Thursday 12 November 2009

Roots Roots And More Roots

:O) Enjoy (O:


Dimple said...

Nice. It's amazing how twisted and gnarly roots become.

FO - 2 said...

BIG feets walking through the woods. ;) Great series! :D

Darla said...

Love, love these! I can just see containers hidden in the roots of the second photo with flowers spilling over!! Beautiful Vision..

Arija said...

such a wonderful collection of roots! Absolutely enchanting.I too have been absorbed in the feet and toes of trees for some time. I find it infinitely interesting how trees manage to anchor themselves in the soil and the tiniest cracks of rock.

So very well presented.

Patty said...

What amazing old tress and roots. Makes for great photos.

Rose said...

Tom, I came to tell you to check out my blog...a new little video of Lorelei. Make sure Jane sees it...

These pictures are awesome! Some of the best I have seen of roots, etc.

Sparky said...

Those are lovely! Husband and I were just in the woods, scouting for our next deer hunt. We live in SE Georgia USA. I snapped a photo of an interesting piece of wood that once was a root. Trees are truly fascinating, aren't they!? Thanks for sharing yours.
(Visiting from Pappy's Balderdash blog ~ had to see what a "wigger" was in England. Must mean something different in America.)

imac said...

Here's Tom posting, (Smiling)lol.
You should be taking things easy , my friend.

But I must say, these roots are fab and knarling well.

Rune Eide said...

You see something wherever you go - you have the photographer's eye.

Carolyn said...

Tom, these are absolutely stunning photos. Your old forest in many ways looks like ours, believe it or not. I absolutely love the character of the old roots and they tell such a story of survival and life. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.
Smiles and blessings

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos of the trees.