These are the 3 pictures that make up my new header which was changed for the weekly challenge.

I was asked to show the pictures as they looked originally, which I am happy to do so. When out and about in woodlands I often come across strange shapes in the bark.

This is a bit spooky, it reminded me of an owl at the time. I think the tree was a Hawthorn whose trunks sometimes twist about and produce interesting shapes..
Super interesting photos!
I see a snake's head in that last one, so you had better watch out!
That last one looks like a crocodile to me - those teeth.
These are still very good photos Tom. I guess it was a glitch for this post showed up in my bloglist!!
Be careful walking in the enchanted forest.
Great finds Tom-Ass.lol.
Tom: That look even better in the large format.
You've captured some great texture and colour here. Isn't it amazing how beautiful the woods are?
Cool shots!
The last one is making a face at me.... ;))
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