
Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Green Man


Tom said...

Have you heard of The Green Man of the woods?
I have seen his face or part of his face in many woodland views.. mostly in the bark of trees, or like this shot hidden it leaf litter...
Did you not notice him looking at you as you admired his leaves? Go back to the picture and see if you can find him...

James said...

I've seen these guys around, but I didn't know they were called green men. I'm sorry to say that I can't see the one in this picture. Maybe I'll see him after I give my eyes and mind a rest. :)

Tom said...

I'm sorry you can't spot him... I'll see if others can before I start to point him out...

Ingrid said...

I have heard of him but can't see him, I only see dead leaves (I hate fall btw, lol)

Arija said...

Take a pair of sparkling eyes....
he is brilliant Tom, yes, I too have encountered the old man of the woods many times. I have also experienced an oak tree laughing me out of existence, when I saw the joke we both laughed out loud was so infectious...but that is another story.

Tom, I have just been reading your profile and am most envious, does one need a lot of training for your occupation or is natural talent sufficient?

I seem to be full of questins today.

PERBS said...

Is that his two eyes near the top of the photo and a further down, large tan leaf his chest and the green leaves the lower part of his body? First time I ever heard of a green man.

imac said...

Ah, Its the green man eh, I thought it were you ol

Anonymous said...

If the two leaves at the top with the holes in them are the eyes and the one long leaf is the nose and the green stuff at the bottom is his downturned mouth then I have seen the green man. If that isn't him then I must be badly mistaken. lol

Tom said...

I think most are catching sight of the eyes... forget the nose and mouth... it was the eyes looking out of the picture I was hoping you all would see.. It took a while for Jane to spot them but once seen you can pick them out each time. The eyes are in fact Sweet Chestnuts.. Thanks for trying everyone... hope you enjoyed looking.

James said...

Now I see the eyes. That was fun. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Great fun, Tom! I had to click on the photo...but once I did the eyes popped out at me. ;-)

Tom said...

I do not keep many of my pictures.. but this is one I will be doing.
Thank you to all who commented and to those who just visit...

Kerri Farley said...

Gorgeous Autumnal shot!

ChrisJ said...

You mean they weren't real eyes you had put in the photo?? Good heavens! I saw the eyes and thought maybe an owl was behind all those leaves. What a great shot! Definitely one to be kept!