
Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Header Theme String...

Sorry I am late posting ... I was a little tied up.  But that's another story  ;o)

My header todays shows string which I use for craft projects, the words are from a poem by Spike Milligan.

As a child I'd ask my mother how long my tea would be..
How long is a piece of String she'd say.

To see the other contenders take on the header challenge please visit  them, you can find the link top right on the side bar.   


Lew said...

Nicely done! Looks like an eyeball peaking out of one of byour balls of string. And your Mom's answer is great response to an impatient son.

imac said...

Tom's been playing with his balls of string.
Plain n Simple Tom, you'll have ev1 tied up.

Craver Vii said...

I like how you created this header.

That's an amusing response your mother gave. I wish I had used that when my children were smaller. The best dad line I've had is:
Kids: Are we there yet?
(??! - They would ask while we were still driving!)
Me: Yes. Get out. (still driving)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Were you tied up in your string Tom? Fun post my friend.

heritagemom said...

Great shot in your header. I love the little poem!

Katney said...

Another chance to grooooooooooooan!