
Tuesday 27 April 2010

Storm Brewing

I was stood at the back door watching the skies for signs of the Swallows returning from Africa... they are late this year... I can normally depend on them flying about over head on the 22-23 of April. The small brown Sand Martins are the first to show up, followed by House Martins and then the bigger Swallows... I will keep a look out after this April Storm blows over.


Becca's Dirt said...

I love storms. Wierd isn't it.

Kathie Brown said...

Love the drama in that sky!

Carolyn said...

Love the chaos of a storm sky. Our swallows arrived about 10 days ago but I am not quite sure from where and they woke to an April snow shower this morning(our first snow in nearly three months if you can believe it!
Take care and smiles Tom.