All done at last.... just one of the many reasons my blogging as been taking a back seat this past few weeks. I wanted to make sure all the grand children had something I have knitted this Christmas... and here it is all done and dust and ready for Jane to wrap..

Fantastic work Tom, glad to see yourself there too, on the left at the back, round and fat
Well spotted.... ha!.
Next year I will knit you something... I promise.
Watch this space
Merry Christmas, Tom and Jane. I appreciate your many visits, wonderful photos and sense of humor.
I can see that you have been very busy! What a collection of knitted things! Great job!
Merry Christmas!
If it is true that you are actually a knitter, you have surprised me once again. MY mother taught us to knit wherever we were sick. I was seldom ill so I never did master it. I had a ministerial friend who knit to relieve the stress of being a clergyman. He was thin with a long scraggly beard. It was like sitting next to an old testament prophet in a meeting with him to the clatter of knitting needles.
If you are looking for something to knit the word is out that I need a coat for my wee dog Heidi. It is hard to find one large enough for a Great Dane. If you start now it might be ready for next Christmas.;)
I hope you and all your clan have a lovely Christmas together and you are feeling better.
Wow Tom! You have been busy! What a fantastic collection :o) I shall be looking out for ours next year ;o) Hope you've had a good day today xx Love to Jane xx
Tom, I would never have guessed that you were a knitter! Great work and something the kids will treasure!
Merry Christmas my friends
Fantastic !
I knew how to knit as a young boy but I should train a lot to be as good as you.
Well haven't you been busy? Looks great! You might have to start saving pennies for all of the yarn you will need to knit imac's gift..
Wow....that's a lot of work. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that 2010 is a great year for you and your loved ones.
You amaze me. I am better for knowing you through blogging. Thank you.
Good on ya for making such creative and fun things for the kids. The best kind of present.
I hope you will be feeling good next year, Tom (i.e. soon).
Happy new year to you all.
I thought I had commented on this post but it would appear I hadn't. I'm the most amazed person ;). Myself, I am in a quilting mode at the moment - hundreds of 2" squares to sew together - keeps me out of mischief. My laptop has been in a black hole and out again so I have lost my emails and addresses, hope you and Jane have a really good New Year. xx
Hope you and Jane had a wonderful Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
Love all your knitting!
Oh I LOVE what you've knitted Tom! Fantastic!! What special gifts!!
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