Tonight's Header Challenge topic was picked by Imac and is ... 'Welcome to my home'... well as we live on a large ugly estate on the outskirts of Manchester..... I thought I'd show show you just one of the many garden spiders that have made there home here..... and everyone is very welcome to the web..... more so if you happen to be a fly.. ha!

I am looking forward to seeing just what Fishing Guy , Imac , & Darla come up with again tonight. If you get the time nip over and see their headers... and feel free to give your view as to which you think is the best. Its a fun challenge with some friendly banter thrown in which we hope brings a few giggles along the way. The Winners shield as stayed with me for the past 2 weeks... lets see if it goes somewhere else this week. I have a feeling it might.. ;o)
You and Tom think a like and Imac and I think a weird is that?
Well Tom, some thing creepy comes this way,lol,haha.
very good post my friend.
That spider reminds me of a cartoon carachter - minnie the minx maybe
Tom: Wonderful capture of the spider and his home. Nature at its best.
OOOHHhh that would have been great for halloween. Great photo.
Hi Tom, I like these spider pictures!
Hope you're doing well these days!
Tom, it's an awesome image, but I don't feel real welcome to "your" home. Now I'm really curious about where you live. I think Darla has it over you at the moment but I've still to look at FG and Mac.
THIS popped up pretty big on my screen!! :)
I like your thinking and like Darla said you and Fishing Guy thought alike on this one.
I have to go see the other two now.
Hope you're doing well my friend!
Tom this is such a beautiful capture. We have similar looking 8 leggeds here and I have had to learn to live with them because I refuse to be responsible for any more rain!!!! Great shot. Hope all is well.
You are now responsible if I die of a heart attack ! How horrible, lol !
Your spider freed my inner child. I started to sing the Itsy, Bitsy Spider" song.
Interesting you should post this two days ago when I found a large pale spider in my oatmeal bag.
It must be synchronicity.
This garden spider is just the same as those we have over here. I would have thought there would be some difference as there are in birds but the appearance is the same. I am amazed.
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