
Sunday, 27 September 2009

Walk Around Matley 12

Working The Fields
BoldOf Matley


Carolyn said...

I love the look and smell of freshly harvested fields! These are great shots. Thanks for sharing Tom.

Patty said...

Farmers don't get much time off this time of year, do they.

PERBS said...

I particularly loved how you used the branches to frame the distant shot in the last one.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Some days I miss doing farm field work. Then I remind myself how hard, dirty and hot it is.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tom: Neat shots of the fields of your area. The tractor looks like a John Deere. My youngest grandson loves them. I got your note and will write back soon.

Rose said...

I am behind of blogging as is usual any more. Going to sit here and catch up on yours. I love these shots, and really like the way you framed the tractor in the last shot.