
Saturday, 29 August 2009

Saturday Fun

Two Fungi's in the rain


Have a great weekend everyone


Rune Eide said...

Very fitting for us too - but then we get what is left after the low pressures have passed over you...

Anonymous said...

I liked the post, Tom. I also like the video.

Pick a Peck of Pixels

imac said...

Grand show Tom, (didnt know you were a singer when young)lol

EG CameraGirl said...

Such a cool post, Tom! But are you comparing Gene Kelly to a mushroom? ;-)

I'm very honoured that you like my Paintbox Picture and of course you may use it!

NOW, especially since it's raining here, I bet you guess what song I'll be humming all day~

SandyCarlson said...

It's pouring here, Tom. Thanks for the fun and imagery to go with it. Now I can stay in bed!

Patty said...

It took me several seconds to get your Fungi joke. But by george, I think I got it. LOL One is a Fungi mushroom or toadstool and the other Fun Guy for Gene and singing in the rain. Very clever. Have a great week-end.

My eye is a lot better, still not quite like it should be, but a lot better. Everything is so much clearer and brighter.

Tom said...

I'm glad your eye is now on the mend.... just think how more handsome Abe will be now ;o)

Ingrid said...

Psssst, don't talk about rain, otherwise it will start raining in Belgium again !

Carolyn said...

Patty thank you for clarifying the joke. We pronounce fungi with a hard i so it didn't click! Great post Tom and you can all fee free to send your rain our way as we are back in severe forest fire alert and believe it or not Queen Charlotte Village is running out of water....quickly....rain forest, surrounded by water and we are going dry!
Have a great weekend.
Blessings and smiles

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

We are definitely singing in the rain here for two days at least.